Currently working on a flight simulator prototype in UE4 using the Cesium plugin. I’m planning to add procedural foliage next.
I explained how to set up the terrain with proper visuals in a previous blog post. The location jumping sequence is included in the plugin and is covered here. The jet model is taken from the Marketplace.
VR Mode Experimental

The minimap uses a Mercator projection because it’s easy to map the X-Y axis to latitude and longitude. It’s not quite precise, but is good enough to show the general location of the player.

To create the minimap, Ryan Laley has a very good tutorial on how to setup a Dynamic Material using a Material Parameter Collection. The goal is to convert the user’s latitude/longitude to texture coordinates. The intersection of zero degrees latitude and longitude is located somewhere at the coast of western Africa, you need to add an offset to the X-Y values of your material.

I created the minimap alpha in Substance Designer.